Cross collateralization can leave people with hard choices in bankruptcy

  Credit unions are a popular alternative to traditional banks for many people. Members say they enjoy an atmosphere that is more focused on the customer and the better rates they can sometimes get on loans and savings accounts. However, credit unions often use cross collateralization with their loans, which can be detrimental to the […]

What happens if a creditor contacts me during or after my bankruptcy?

  If you are in debt, you may already be familiar with the protections you have against creditor harassment under Wisconsin and federal law (i.e. the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act). These laws protect you against debt collectors using misleading or abusive tactics when attempting to collect a debt against you. However, you may not know what […]

Wage garnishments a threat for those struggling financially in Wisconsin

  Many people are struggling to make ends meet in Wisconsin as the economy slowly begins to recover from the Great Recession that started in 2008. Even those who are lucky enough to still have jobs are having difficulty paying their bills, and many are falling further and further behind. Creditors have become more aggressive […]