An attorney may be able to help secure a fresh financial start

Previously on our blog we discussed some property that may be considered exempt from the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process. Exempting some of your property can be a savior to your financial health and your morale. By exempting certain assets, you really can obtain the fresh financial start you need to get your life back on track.

However, utilizing exemptions is no easy feat. It may be difficult to decide which property to claim and to figure out how all exemptions apply. This is why it may be to your benefit to discuss your bankruptcy with a legal professional before taking major steps forward. A competent legal team, like the one at Helbing Law Office, can advise you as to how to maneuver the bankruptcy process in a way that seeks to protect your financial interests and puts you on a road to success.

In addition to helping our clients deal with exemptions, we also help our clients understand all the bankruptcy options available to them, ensuring that they are fully informed before making such a large decision. Once that decision is made, we proudly represent our clients in court and fight to protect them from creditor harassment.

Our firm knows that many people feel a stigma attached to bankruptcy. But we stand up and confidently say that this is a very real way for you to find a new lease on your financial life. So, if you are facing overwhelming debt that causes you to lose sleep, get stressed out, and feel helpless, you should consider assessing your legal options and speaking with those who can help you through the steps.

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