An emergency bankruptcy can help ward off financial disaster

Officially, the economic downturn of a few years ago is waning and the financial picture for Wisconsin business appears to be improving. However, the personal financial problems of some Wisconsinites have not entirely gone away. The threat of vehicle repossession or home foreclosure still looming can be very difficult to live with. The situation may look grim for some, but it may be possible for residents to save their home or vehicles by means of an emergency bankruptcy filing.

An emergency bankruptcy filing completes the entire process in the matter of a few days, instead of months for a standard bankruptcy filing. However, accelerating the process does not mean that a debtor can bypass the rules and regulations, which are applicable when filing a standard bankruptcy petition. Therefore, if a debtor plans an emergency bankruptcy filing, it is important that debtor seeks professional advice from a source that is reliable and knowledgeable. If you are a resident of the Appleton and Oshkosh areas, our law firm, Helbing Law Office, LLC, may be the right choice for you.

Our founding attorney, Timothy J. Helbing, has more than a decade of experience with bankruptcy-related cases. In addition to his legal expertise, Timothy J. Helbing also possesses sound knowledge about how judges and case trustees in the local area interpret the federal bankruptcy code. This knowledge enables our firm to be structured so that is spends more time on the client’s requirements and requests and less on paperwork and documentation.

If a resident is filing an emergency bankruptcy filing, many debtors want to be sure that such a drastic measure will be the right choice for resolving debt-related issues. Our clients may rest assured because our law firm only recommends a bankruptcy route after it has explained all the pros and cons to the debtor. For further understanding of how filing for bankruptcy works, you can attend a free initial consultation with an Appleton bankruptcy attorney.

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