How is Chapter 7 bankruptcy initiated?
Bankruptcy is a complicated process. Yet it is one that may be well worth the work and the wait, as a successful bankruptcy claim may allow an individual to escape burdensome debt and find a fresh financial start. This is especially true for those who successfully seek Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is also commonly referred […]
Facing financial woes? Our firm stands for debt relief
Nowadays, it is not uncommon to face financial challenges. If and when that time comes, you may find yourself seeking relief. There are a lot of options out there, and many promise to provide you with the financial stability you desperately need. Yet, as was discussed last week on the blog, many debt relief options, […]
Be careful with debt consolidation
The average Wisconsin resident has debt spread out over a lot of different lenders. He or she may have a mortgage, car loan, student loans, and multiple credit cards. Trying to juggle payments can be tricky, which may lead some to consider consolidating their debt. Though this may make repayment easier to keep track of, […]
Chapter 13 bankruptcy: Who gets paid?
Anyone can hit a rough patch in their financial well-being, and sometimes those difficulties can arise in the blink of an eye. An unexpected illness, the sudden loss of a job, and even divorce can throw an individual into a financial tailspin. As scary as that may be, there are safeguards in place that these […]
The dangers of payday loans
Most Wisconsin residents have faced financial challenges at some point in their lives. This can happen when a medical condition unexpectedly arises, one loses his or her job, or if one’s income is not enough to cover the day-to-day expenses of life. Regardless of the particular circumstances faced by these individuals, one thing is often […]
What is protected throughout the bankruptcy process?
When people think about bankruptcy they often find themselves wondering what they will lose. Though some types of bankruptcy, such as Chapter 7, may require a debtor to liquidate, or sell off, assets in order to satisfy outstanding debts, the law does seek to protect bankruptcy filers from financial ruin. This is why bankruptcy can […]
Ways to pay off holiday-related debt
The holiday season is just around the corner. Retail stores have started stocking their shelves with holiday gift items in hopes that consumer spending will be up this year. Many consumers are excited for the shopping season to kick off as well, but that may give rise to a problem: holiday-related debt. While many think […]
We stand by those facing financial challenges
Those Wisconsinites who are facing financial struggles should know that they are not alone. There are millions of individuals in our country who struggle to make ends meet, and they all hope for some sort of relief. Fortunately, there is good news. Those facing overwhelming financial challenges may be able to acquire more manageable payments […]
How can Chapter 7 bankruptcy affect tax debt?
Wisconsin residents who are facing overwhelming financial challenges may feel like they are being hit from all directions. In an attempt to pay off bills, they may have to forego necessities, take on another job or accumulate additional debt. Wages may even be garnished and income tax returns withheld. Fortunately, these individuals may be able […]
How do I qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Residents of Wisconsin facing financial challenges may be desperately looking for relief. Overwhelming debt can leave you stressed out about your future, which in turn can negatively affect your daily life. Fortunately, debt relief can be found through the bankruptcy system. However, in order to take advantage of the relief offered by the law, you […]