Helbing Law Office Logo by Timothy Helbing located in Appleton, WI serving chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy

Have you been sued on an old debt?

You may have accumulated some old credit card debts at one time and the credit card company may have attempted to collect. Maybe you were just out of school, trying to find work or were between jobs and you had little or no income. The company may have eventually given up its efforts and stopped […]

What’s in a name?

When you decide to buy something, you may decide to use a credit card or obtain a loan. But there is another option. It is known as “rent to own,” and it looks a lot like an installment loan or a revolving credit agreement. You make regular monthly payments for the item, and if you […]

Would debt consolidation really work?

Easy credit. We have all seen and heard the phrase. For most people, it is easy to obtain numerous credit cards. And each one comes with an incentive to spend. Some people can soon find themselves deep in debt and in deep trouble with those credit cards. It can be due to not keeping your […]

If I file a bankruptcy, can I still get a home loan?

One of the ways that creditors try to scare people away from filing a bankruptcy is by claiming it will “destroy their credit.” Admittedly, filing a bankruptcy will not improve your credit rating or FICO number. Of course, you are not filing a bankruptcy in an attempt to improve your credit; you file to eliminate […]

What should you do to get out of debt? Pt.2

When attempting to get out from under overwhelming debt, other options include credit counseling companies or debt settlement companies. If you take either of these steps, you need to educate yourself and learn exactly what each company promises. You want that information in writing before you agree to anything or send any money. A credit […]

What should you do to get out of debt? Pt.1

If you have accumulated a significant amount of debt, you may lay awake at night trying to figure out how to pay off those debts and regain some degree of financial control. To eliminate your debts, the simple solution is to pay more than you spend, allowing you to shrink month-by-month the interest and principle […]

Will a balance transfer save interest charges on your debts?

Like many financial questions, there are no easy answers to such a question. It could help, but if certain things don’t happen or something goes wrong, it may not help at all and could actually lead to higher interest charges in the long run. If your finances are precarious, you may be looking at all […]

Have you been auto-enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan?

If you have become eligible for Medicare, you may think that many of your worries and concerns over the cost of healthcare are over. You may trust that the program will cover most of your potential or actual medical costs. But you may want to check to see if you actually have the coverage you […]

Many Americans are overwhelmed with medical debt

The medical field has seen a lot of changes in the last decade. Technological advances and ground-breaking research has enabled medical professionals to more effectively treat some diseases, and the Affordable Care Act has expanded the reach of health insurance. Unfortunately, however, the struggles associated with medical debt are far from gone. In fact, a […]

We help Wisconsinites find debt relief

Last week we discussed some steps that you can take to help find financial freedom in the New Year. Though managing one’s money better, saving and avoiding new debt can certainly help improve your financial health, in today’s world those actions simply are not always a possibility. In some instances, individuals find themselves so buried […]