Helbing Law Office Logo by Timothy Helbing located in Appleton, WI serving chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy

You have options for handling mounting credit card bills

Have you ever sat down with your credit card bills and added up what you have due for minimum payments each month? This is often a troubling realization, especially if you have multiple cards. There are ways that you might be able to handle this situation if you find that you aren’t able to keep […]

Know your options when you are considering bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a big undertaking that you need to think carefully about. When you make the decision to move forward with it, you must be prepared to do what is necessary to get the case completed successfully. For individuals, there are two types of bankruptcy that are most common. There are a few […]

Know some points that are important for Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Many people get into debt and then realize they are in over their head. When bankruptcy comes up, there is often a discussion about which chapter is that best one for the situation. For people who are considering filing a Chapter 7 or liquidation bankruptcy, there are some clues that might point to this being […]

Pointers for rebuilding your credit after you file for bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult decision to make for most individuals. Not only do you have to think about what this means for your assets and finances now, you also have to consider how it might impact your future. Moving on after you file can be challenging. One of the most difficult things to […]

Wage-earner’s bankruptcy can help working individuals

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is one that can provide protection for people who are in deep debt but are unable to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are many reasons why this might be the chosen option for people who need to do something to handle the overwhelming bills that they are facing. We know […]

You have obligations when you file for bankruptcy

Don’t assume that filing for bankruptcy is an easy way to handle debts. When people file for bankruptcy, they have to take the time to learn what obligations they have. A person who files for Chapter 13 bankruptcy has very specific responsibilities. Before you file for bankruptcy, you will have to go through credit counseling […]

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can provide a fresh financial start

When you are so deep in debt that there doesn’t seem like a way out, you might feel hopeless. The good news here is that you do have options to consider. One of these is filing for bankruptcy. People who meet certain income and asset limits might be able to file for a Chapter 7 […]

How will bankruptcy impact my finances?

Filing for bankruptcy isn’t a decision that most people come to overnight. Instead, it is often made after taking a serious look at their financial state. When you do decide that you are going to file, you have to think about how this decision will impact you now and into the future. There are two […]

Yes, you can still buy a house after a Wisconsin bankruptcy

Bankruptcy offers many Americans a chance at a clean slate and a fresh financial start. Filing for bankruptcy provides those in debt with an automatic stay on collection efforts, including pending lawsuits, collection calls and frightening letters. Bankruptcy also offers hope for restructuring overwhelming debt for some in Chapter 13 or in the discharge of […]

Chapter 13 bankruptcy might help stop foreclosure

Missing a mortgage payment can instill fear in the heart of a homeowner. When the payment is missed, the lender might start the countdown to foreclosure so it is imperative the payment is made as quickly as possible. Typically, lenders won’t start official foreclosure procedures until a person has missed two to three payments. With […]