Call: (920) 955-3688
Address: 477 S Nicolet Rd Suite 8, Appleton, WI 54914

Dealing with creditors and creditor harassment

Most people struggling with debt agree that fielding the many collection communications is one of the most distressing aspects of their debt. In truth, constant phone calls, emails and letters can actually shift the debtor’s focus away from paying their bills. Instead, as the calls and letters get more and more hostile, most debtors simply want to make those communications stop altogether.

We know that it can be difficult to stay calm when you are suffering from creditor harassment. Yet we feel that this is the best way to begin dealing with your creditors. When you succumb to the anger and anxiety bubbling up within you, your efforts to address the situation with dignity and respect may fall by the wayside.

Our first tip is to present a calm demeanor when you are speaking with a debt collector, even if you are raging inside. We know you may feel angry, humiliated and desperate, but keeping a clear head will serve you well during your interactions with your creditors.

Our second tip is to learn about your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. These rights are far too numerous to list here, but we want you to understand that this act can protect you. Take a few minutes to read the act so that you will be best equipped to handle your creditors.

Our final tip is to seek legal assistance. Not only can this aid you in dealing with your creditors, it can provide you with immediate help in stopping creditor harassment and finding an effective debt relief solution.

We welcome you to our website where you will find additional topics about debt relief and the benefits of filing a bankruptcy. The information published on our site assists residents of Wisconsin who are struggling to overcome debt.

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