Exploring your options when past-due bills are weighing you down


Being in debt can cause stress in every area of your life. If you are behind on payments, you might feel guilty about taking any money to do enjoyable things in life. This can make you miserable. Your goal now might be to get caught up on the payments so you don’t have the past due balances clouding your mind. If you are in this position, debt relief solutions might come to mind.

There are many different ways that you can handle this situation. The best one for you to use will depend on your circumstances. One of the first things you should do is contact the creditor to ask if they will set up a payment plan with you that you can afford and that will get you caught up on the bill. There is a chance they will decline, but at least you put forth the effort.

Another option that you might have is to try to obtain a low-interest loan that you can use to cover the past due bills. This would mean that you only have one payment to make each month instead of trying to make multiple ones. Ensure that the loan covers the entire balance and not only the past due amount since you don’t need to add an extra bill to the ones you are already having trouble paying.

Finally, you might choose to file bankruptcy. This might also come with payments. While Chapter 7 bankruptcy uses liquidated assets to satisfy your creditors, Chapter 13 requires you to make regular payments to a bankruptcy trustee who then disburses them to your creditors.

No matter which option you choose, make sure that you think carefully about how it will impact you now and into the future.


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