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Find financial freedom when you file bankruptcy

Financial obligations aren’t usually anyone’s favorite thing to deal with. For some people, they have become a source of major stress. When the bills are overwhelming you and you don’t think that you have a way out, looking into bankruptcy might be in order. We can help you explore this option that might help you get out of debt.

Bankruptcy isn’t something that you need to be ashamed of. It is a legal tool that can help you get back on top of your finances. Of course, there are some impacts of this filing that you will have to deal with for a while. For one, it is entered on your credit report so you will have to work to rebuild your credit once the case is over.

There are two forms of personal bankruptcy that might benefit you. These are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The former requires you to liquidate assets to repay creditors but you don’t have to make payments to the trustee. The latter requires you to make payments but you can keep more of your assets than if you file a Chapter 7. Both programs have specific requirements so one of your first steps is to find out which one you qualify for.

You might have some questions about these. We can answer those and help you get started on the one for which you qualify. You will have some responsibilities to handle during this time so be prepared for those. We will help you understand what you need to do and we’ll walk you through the process.

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