Getting out of debt in Wisconsin

Residents of Wisconsin understand that debt can impact a person’s life in many ways. It can affect family, social and professional life, and could further complicate other situations if a debtor fails to find a solution.

It is usually in the best interest of a borrower to get out of debt as early as possible. Reorganizing finances can lead to a better financial future. Thankfully, there are various options available for a debtor to come out of financial mess.

Our firm, Helbing Law Office LLC, helps clients end their financial stress by guiding them on various aspects of their debt and the best option suitable for them in order to get rid of daily harassment from creditors and increasing interest rates day after day. A debtor can get debt relief by filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or 13. Both of these provisions allow a debtor to make a fresh financial start.

Our firm helps a debtor filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7, in which the debtor will need to repay as much of the existing debt as possible by disposing of available assets. Under Chapter 13, which would suit a person earning enough income regularly, the debtor seeks a finite payment plan with creditors. We also help Wisconsin residents filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 128, which allows a debtor to repay debts under a three-year payment plan.

Our firm understands what a debtor could go through emotionally, fearing the prospect of losing their family homes, cars or other valuable assets. We consider it our job to help find reasonable solutions in pursuing the cure for our client’s financial ills. To learn more about our firm’s approach, please visit the personal bankruptcy page of our website.

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