How an attorney can assist with a chapter 7 bankruptcy

Here is a scenario we have seen with our clients. You have been struggling with your debt for a long time. After trying desperately to sort out the situation and get back on track, you finally realize chapter 7 bankruptcy is your solution. You assume that because you are so far in debt, working with a lawyer is out of your reach. However, you have trouble with your bankruptcy and don’t know where to turn for help, leaving you even more in debt and at loose ends altogether.

Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common in Wisconsin. While it is possible to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy without professional help, most people say that they would work with a lawyer if they could do it all over again. Why is attorney assistance so important? Consider the points we have listed below to find an answer.

  • A lawyer can make sure you qualify for chapter 7 bankruptcy.
  • A lawyer can represent you and protect your rights in creditor meetings.
  • A lawyer can ensure your chapter 7 filing contains no errors.
  • A lawyer can assist you when filling out the required documentation.
  • A lawyer ensures you do not miss important deadlines.
  • A lawyer helps you protect your most treasured assets when possible.

In the end, the costs of working with a chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney are minimal when compared with the financial risks of going it alone. At the very least, consider consulting with an attorney to identify how a lawyer can aid your case. We invite you to increase your knowledge about bankruptcy laws in Wisconsin by reading our website.

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