Many Americans are overwhelmed with medical debt

The medical field has seen a lot of changes in the last decade. Technological advances and ground-breaking research has enabled medical professionals to more effectively treat some diseases, and the Affordable Care Act has expanded the reach of health insurance. Unfortunately, however, the struggles associated with medical debt are far from gone.

In fact, a recent survey found that 20 percent of Americans under the age of 65 and who have health insurance still struggle to pay their medical bills. More than 50 percent of those individuals age 65 and under without medical insurance reported having difficulty paying their medical debt. The study, conducted by the New York Times and the Kaiser Family Foundation, concludes that these statistics illustrate just how expensive the American healthcare system is, which is considered by many to be the most expensive country in which to become ill.

Tragically, a significant number of individuals who struggle with medical debt may decide that they need to turn to drastic measures in an attempt to make good on what is owed. Many turn to their savings, take on second jobs, move in with roommates and others have to turn to charity for assistance. No one should be forced into destitution because of their medical debt, which is why those who face financial challenges caused by medical bills may want to consider their debt relief options.

Amongst those options is filing for bankruptcy. Although there is a lot of negative connotation associated with bankruptcy, those who successfully complete a bankruptcy plan can find debt relief that gives them the fresh financial start they need.

Source: The Sky Valley Chronicle, “One in Four Americans under 65 are Struggling with Medical Debt,” Jan. 17, 2016

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