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Address: 477 S Nicolet Rd Suite 8, Appleton, WI 54914

Use bankruptcy as a turning point in your financial attitude

Your bankruptcy process is one that isn’t going to be over in just a few days. If you file a Chapter 7, you will likely have a discharge faster than someone who files a Chapter 13. This is because the people who file the latter option will have to make payments to the bankruptcy court before the case is discharged.

This is something that we want our clients to know. You can make the decision to file for bankruptcy quickly, and you can get the process started fairly quickly; however, this isn’t going to be instantaneously. You have to be willing to work through the process and ensure that you are getting your responsibilities handled so that you can enjoy the protections soon.

We realize that you might want to know more about what makes the process take a while. We can walk you through what to expect. We can help you think about how this might impact your life right now so that you can make sure that you are able to handle it. We will also work with you to determine how your future might be affected. This can help you verify that you are ready to go through the bankruptcy process.

While you are going through bankruptcy, you need to pay close attention to the financial pointers you are receiving. You will learn to live only on your own income without the help of extra credit accounts. This lesson, along with the budgeting you will learn, can help you truly enjoy financial freedom in the future.

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