In financial difficulties, don’t overlook your options

People experiencing financial difficulties often go through a tremendous amount of stress, sometimes even letting it take a toll on their health. Trying to find ways to come up with money to meet financial obligations can leave you feeling like you are all out of options. Before that happens, consult with a financial attorney. There […]

Filing a bankruptcy? Don’t do these three things!

As attorneys, we have seen far too many of our Wisconsin neighbors struggle with overwhelming medical and credit card debt. Despite the many benefits filing a bankruptcy can offer, most people resist this solution for as long as possible. When they do realize bankruptcy is the best and most logical option, many forge ahead without […]

Will bankruptcy get rid of my Federal student loan debt?

According to State Senator, Jennifer Shilling, Wisconsin, comes in at 10th place across the country for the number of debt-ridden college students. An estimated 67 percent of residents who have graduated from four-year colleges have student loans to pay off. Further, student loans currently hold second place in the nation as the largest consumer debt. […]

What property may I keep in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Chapter 13 bankruptcies offer those who qualify for them many more flexibilities than other forms of bankruptcy, but most American’s don’t necessarily understand the difference between the two. When most people throughout the country think about bankruptcy or talk about it publicly, they often actually describe a Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy. Under that system, a […]

A bankruptcy alternative only residents of Wisconsin can utilize

If you live in Wisconsin, you already know that our state is as unique as those who populate it. Unfortunately, there are some life circumstances in which we are not unique, such as suffering with financial difficulties. Just like other people living in the U.S., Wisconsin residents can experience overwhelming debt. For many, bankruptcy is […]

Chapter 7 bankruptcy | Exploring the pros and cons

If you are reading this, you probably already know that debt can consume your life even as you struggle to pay down all of your bills. It is like taking a step forward only to be knocked back a few steps. If an emergency arises such as a serious illness or the sudden loss of […]

Chapter 13 bankruptcy | The upside vs. the downside

You probably already know how difficult it is to stay ahead in the nation’s economic environment. Despite your very best efforts, you may have reached the conclusion that bankruptcy is the only way to address your financial hardships. While it can be a sad realization, you are in good company as many other Wisconsin residents […]

How Chapter 13 bankruptcy could help you pay child support

All family law courts in the United States place a high importance on a parent’s child support obligations. This means that child support cannot be discharged in any type of bankruptcy. In other words, courts always expect parents to pay their support obligations regardless of their financial situations. We do not believe any parent in […]

Dealing with creditors and creditor harassment

Most people struggling with debt agree that fielding the many collection communications is one of the most distressing aspects of their debt. In truth, constant phone calls, emails and letters can actually shift the debtor’s focus away from paying their bills. Instead, as the calls and letters get more and more hostile, most debtors simply […]

When is filing for bankruptcy a bad idea?

Just as with other important decisions in your life, bankruptcy should never be entered into lightly. If you think of bankruptcy as a quick fix or as a way to simply wipe out your debts without trying to pay them, this solution may not be for you. In truth, it is always a good idea […]