Regain control over your finances with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy

For many people, having to file bankruptcy might feel almost like a failure. What these individuals don’t think about is that this process is actually an important financial tool that can help them to regain control over their finances when things are spiraling out of control. We know that you might not have all the […]

Types of assets in a bankruptcy case

One of the primary factors that affects people’s decision to file for bankruptcy is what assets they can keep and what assets they’re going to have to hand over to the bankruptcy court to satisfy their debts. If you’re in this position, it is imperative that you understand which assets are going to fall under […]

Establishing credit after bankruptcy

Bouncing back from bankruptcy isn’t going to happen right away. You will have to work hard to get things set up so you can enjoy having a solid credit history. This doesn’t mean that is going to be impossible, but you should be prepared for it to take time. One of the most important things […]

Determine how Chapter 7 might impact your life

The crushing weight of debt can hold you down. If you are in this position, you might decide that you need to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This possibility should be carefully considered so you can ensure that it is the right option for your needs. There are actually several things that might mean that […]

Find the relief from crushing debt that can set you free

Finding a way to pay off your debts can be a challenge. When you are ready to get everything taken care of, you might need to explore options that enable you to make more than just the minimum monthly payments. There are some debt relief companies that will offer to do this for you; however, […]

An income tax audit isn’t prevented by a bankruptcy case

One concern that many people have when they file for bankruptcy is that the filing will trigger an audit from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when they file their taxes. While it is possible that you will be audited, there isn’t a tie to the bankruptcy. With the number of people who file for bankruptcy […]

Bankruptcy is a time for financial rebuilding

Having more bills than you do money is a tough position to be in. For many people, their normal bills aren’t the issue. The credit cards and medical expenses are the ones that are the problem. For these individuals, filing for bankruptcy might be beneficial. There are many different things to think about when you […]

Be careful with new credit cards after you file for bankruptcy

Rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy is an important step. After all, if you don’t begin using credit responsibly after your discharge, you will find it hard to secure credit in the future. Whether you hope to buy a home within the next decade or just want to qualify for the best rates on your auto […]

Bankruptcy can provide relief from medical bills

While there isn’t an official chapter of bankruptcy that addresses only medical bills, people who are overwhelmed by these expenses might consider filing a personal bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 filing can provide you with the financial relief that you need. One important thing to remember is that you can’t file bankruptcy only […]

Find financial freedom when you file bankruptcy

Financial obligations aren’t usually anyone’s favorite thing to deal with. For some people, they have become a source of major stress. When the bills are overwhelming you and you don’t think that you have a way out, looking into bankruptcy might be in order. We can help you explore this option that might help you […]